Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sayonara to Titthoughts?
I also think the popularity of blogs is waning. Some of the avid bloggers are no longer blogging as often. It's actually pretty time consuming. Sometimes I spent more than an hour just to get one post up. Now people are turning to Facebook and Twitter. I'm a bit addicted to Facebook already. But I think besides following a few people on Twitter, I won't be twitting myself. Twitter like sms, in my opinion kills the English language.
Well, thirdly the original purpose of this blog was to document my reflections on theology, investing and tea, hence tit thoughts. But I changed direction in view of what was happening to our nation in 2007. I've written very little on the three topics. I'm still passionate about theology and in the midst of pursuing a degree on a part time basis. I've more or less stopped investing though I'm still maintaining my stock portfolio. Like Warren Buffet, it doesn't bother me if the stock exchange is going to close for the next one year. I'm still drinking tea though I've stopped buying them. I've enough to last me until I am 80.
So I guess this will be the final post. I'll still comment on the socio-political situation whenever possible in Facebook. As I'm still passionate about theology, I've created another blog and have just made my maiden post. But I don't think I'll be blogging regularly. Time is a luxury now with so many assignments to pass up.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Datukships - A reflection
Now it seems we have a new category of contribution. You can be awarded a Datukship if you have contributed to the fall of a democratically elected government. It's now Datuk Hee Yit Fong. What else did she contribute? O yes, she was also there on that infamous day in May last year in the Legislative Assembly contributing to the shameful and criminal eviction of the rightful State Assembly Speaker. Yes, she was the one with the key chain, no a pepper spray (but it wasn't hers), no she didn't spray only threatened to spray. When I read about her being awarded this morning, I commented in my FB, that the name with the title made me want to vomit.
Later in the day, I came to know that my former school principal, Bro. Vincent Corkery has also been awarded a Datukship by the same ruler. I'm ambivalent about it. I would have been elated if this had happened last year. Certainly, the award has been long overdue. But actually he doesn't need such an award. In fact, in his acceptance statement, he said he is receiving it on behalf of the La Salle brothers and St. Michael's Ipoh as a recognition for their long established role as beacon of excellence.
I don't really know Bro. Vincent quite well. He was my principal for less than 2 years (Lower and Upper Six). He came across as a quiet and somewhat aloof person. But I never doubted his dedication towards his role as an educator and his concern for all the students' welfare under his care. I think to some extent he was overshadowed by his predecessor, the legendary Bro. Ultan Paul. Anyway, no one will deny his contribution towards the realization of the "Michaelian Spirit". I can't help but to think that a recent article on his plight may have played a part in him being conferred the award.
Thank you Bro. Vincent for accepting the award on our behalf. Actually, we don't need such awards and recognition for we know we are great as an institution because of great teachers like yourself who have left an indelible mark (for the good) in our lives as we passed through the hallowed halls of our alma mater.
Same award to one who betrays her conscience and many people and to one who has dedicated his entire life to education of his students and their character formation.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mr. Guna, please stop working in a brothel
If I'm not mistaken, he moved to on from the Edge to be the Head of Corporate Communications at Sime Darby. Then, his articles started appearing in the BizStar on Saturdays. By then, I have already more or less gave up reading the MSM. I didn't know he has become the Managing Editor for the Star until now.
It seems his piece in the Star on the caning of 3 Muslims women has angered some religious bigots and they have made several police reports against him and demanded that he resign. The Star has since apologized and removed the offending article. Why should they take such an action if the actions of these religious bigots were not sanctioned by the Government. Will a newspaper puts its reputation on the line because a few people didn't like what they wrote? Only if these few people are backed by the very authority that has the power to decide whether a newspaper continue to print.
RPK has rightly pointed out that there is no difference between prostitutes and our media. Although he singled out the Star in this incident, I think by and large the fourth estate (at least the mainstream ones) in this country has degenerated into a big whorehouse. They are ready to perform any "sexual acts" at behest of their client and master, the Government, from stoking religious and racial sentiments to lying about members of the Opposition. If you still read those papers, then you are just watching all these obscenities. It doesn't matter if you are just reading the comic strips or the sports column. You are still contributing to this most vile sexual union.
So, Mr. Guna, please get yourself out from the whorehouse! The same goes for all those workers there who still have a conscience.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tunku Zain Al-Abidin Muhriz & the NS Royal Family
But alas, one year ago the Perak royalty has forfeited whatever goodwill, respect and dignity they have built up all these years. Will the NS royalty ends up the same way? I hope not. And I'm hopeful they will not. Why am I so optimistic? Well, look at the photo below. It was taken shortly after Tunku Zain's father was installed as the Yang DiPertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan. It was a lovely family photo. What was so special about the photo was in the midst of the family members in their best and finest regalia, there was this boy, their son and brother who was strapped to a wheel chair. It's not difficult to see that he is suffering from quite severe celebral palsy.
Many of those suffering from cerebral palsy are kept locked up in their homes and seldom do we meet them in public because some parents or family members feel ashamed of them. I couldn't help but feel the love that this royal family has for this particular member of their family. They inderstand what it is to be broken and they know how to love the broken. That is why I have the confidence that they will be different from the other royalty. Of course, I may be disappointed. But for now I would be proud if I were from NS.
Tunku Zain (top right in the picture) - All the best. You and your family are indeed a gush of refreshing air in the putrid socio-political environment we found ourselves in. Indeed may the legacy of Tunku, our father of Independence guides this nation back to sanity.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
How blatant can they get?
I was duped until I read this.
Written by Regina William, The Edge
The attempts by certain parties to bring down the Penang state government will not bear fruit, says Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
Commenting on the scathing remarks made against his leadership by two Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) MPs namely Bayan Baru's Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohd Hashim and Nibong Tebal's Tan Tee Beng, Lim said the attempts to discredit him were also desperate attempts by Barisan Nasional (BN) to divert attention from the ongoing trial of PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
"The Penang state government will not fall and they can try all they want as they are attempting to do with all Pakatan Rakyat (PR) states.
"Everything is well and fine between the Pakatan Rakyat leaders in Penang from PKR, DAP and PAS. They are with the state government all the way, in every effort that is being undertaken. It is only one or two who are 'unwell'.
"Their attempts to destabilise the state government won't material as the people know what is happening. These elements in PKR are working with some parties to divert everyone's attention from the trial.
"As PKR leaders, they should be focusing on the trial instead of hitting the PKR worse than they have ever hit out at the BN.
"It is clear that while their bodies are with the PKR, their hearts and souls are already elsewhere and not with the party," Lim said at a press conference after meeting staff of the Penang Development Corporation and its subsidiaries.
He said what was being levelled at him was nothing compared to what Anwar and his family were being put through now, once again, after 10 years, on new sodomy charges.
Saying that the allegations by Zahrain and Tan did not deserve comment, Lim said the state government would not be distracted from its main task of governing the state based on its competency, accountability and transparency (CAT) principles.
He said the attempts to discredit him were the creation of media organisations whom he accused of resorting to printing lies to bring the state government down.
He cited a frontpage media report recently which quoted PKR Secretary-General Saifuddin Nasution saying that PKR would act against him (Lim) which Saifuddin has since denied in a media statement and reiterated PKR's support for Lim and the DAP.
"Is this the standard of responsible reporting? I am beyond disgust and filled with a sense of numbness that some newspapers would resort to such acts.
"Where is your professionalism and integrity as journalists? Journalists are supposed to report facts and let the facts tell the story instead of creating facts," Lim said.
He said certain media also chose to create unrest among the people in Penang by highlighting that only Malays were being targetted during the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) enforcement action, while the facts via statistics showed otherwise.
"In fact, the statistics show that Malays who faced enforcement action under this state government is fewer than during BN's rule," Lim added.
I subsequently confirmed the above after reading Saifudin's press statement
I am shocked with the report of NST today which titled "PKR ready to refer Lim Guan Eng to Pakatan Rakyat".
I deeply regret that NST has maliciously misquoted my statement. Upon reading the news, I called the reporter to seek clarification. Subsequently he admitted over the phone that the line was not written by him and it has been inserted by the editor.
I hereby call on the NST to take immediate action to correct the misrepresentation of PKR's stance on this issue.
In my phone interview, I unequivocally said that YB Dato' Seri Zahrain is wrong to lash out at CM Lim Guan Eng. I stressed that inter-party relations and complaints should be brought up in Leadership Council of Pakatan Rakyat.
I have never said that PKR will refer Zahrin's criticism against Lim Guan Eng into the discussion of Pakatan Rakyat leadership. In fact I maintained that such move is unnecessary and inappropriate.
PKR is fully supportive of CM Lim Guan Eng and our relationship with DAP as coalition partner is strong and solid. We understand that the cooperation and unity of Pakatan Rakyat represnts a great threat to the ruling Barisan Nasional. BN has tried various divisive measures to sow suspicion between partners of Pakatan Rakyat.
I would like to reiterate that PKR's commitment to advance the agenda for democratic reforms is unshakeable. To realise this objective, it is essential to continue strengthen good relationship with DAP and PAS.
It shows how morally bankrupt this newspaper has become. Have they no shame?
One paper continues to incite racial and religious hatred. Another lied in its frontpage headline. Others may not be so blatant yet but I'm sure much of their journalistic ethics would have been already sacrificed at the altar of fear and greed set up the UMNO led government.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Thank you to my Muslim fellow citizens
Anyway, on one of the darkest day in our nation, some Muslims have shown us why we still need to believe there is hope for us all in this nation. Some like Dr. Rafick has make efforts to raise fund for the church which was the hardest hit. Some like Marina Mahathir tried to canvass for Muslims to come out to strongly condemn the attacks.
I must also congratulate PAS for making a reasoned stand on the whole issue knowing full well it will cost them many votes among the Malay. That't what I call principle. That's the difference between PAS and UMNO despite the claims by both to champion Islam.
Despite my earlier laments, I now rejoice with all the voices of reason within the Muslim community. Your voices and acts have repaired the image of Islam sullied by those whom RPK calls "munafiks".
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The King has spoken
“To ensure peace and harmony among the followers of different religions, the meaning and reference to “Allah” in the general context should conform to the description fixed by Islam because this practice has all this while been accepted by Malaysians of other faiths,” said Tuanku Mizan. (emphasis mine)
The judges in the Court of Appeal must be in a quandary now. Dare the judges go against the King? Wait a minute. Don't we have a constitutional monarchy? Well, yes we do but our constitutional rights seem to exist only at the pleasure of those in power or those who can intimidate the most as shown by the events of the past few days. Anyway, is it wrong for the judges in the Court of Appeal to respect the advice from the King?
They may have no choice but to decide in favour of the Herald. After all, "Allah" is always used there in the context of Christianity and never in the general context. So are all the Alkitabs that are being confiscated by the Home Ministry. So are all the Christians publications that use the word "Allah". Clearly the Christian "Allah" is different from the Islam "Allah" or the "Allah" in the general context.
Of course, to some who lack understanding and are easily confused it's not so clear. But the King has spoken and as good citizens we should respect what he say even though he is just a constitutional monarch. For those who lack understanding and are easily confused, the NECF recommends His Majesty Government to educate them "to be mature minded in a progressive democratic society."
Friday, January 8, 2010
Pa, Ku Ma (Auntie)'s church got bombed
I'm wondering what kind of Malaysia my daughters are going to grow in. Are acts of religious and racial violence going to be common occurrences? Are lives going to be as cheap as those in Iraq where you don't know when you are going to be blown up? Are we, the minority going to be subject to the tyranny of the majority?
I don't know. I just know that I got to spend more time talking with my daughters. Not sure where to start. God help me.
A Day of Mourning
How many more churches are going to be fire-bombed and burnt down? How many more threats are going to be issued to the non Muslims? How many more restrictions are going to be placed on us in the way we worship our God?
How can I eat? How can I celebrate? How can I even smile? When my country is burning. When it is engulfed with so much hatred and bigotry. I can only mourn and weep. Not for myself. But for our next generation.
May Allah have mercy on us.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Is this how you want to be remembered?
"I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith" - 2 Tim. 4:7
Perhaps the following epitaph is more apt.
"I have perverted justice. I have sucked up to the Executive. I am finished."
I think I'm already kinder than most of the comments found in Malaysiakini. Even before he is judged by his Maker, the rakyat has already passed judgment. And there was no mercy. You can read his obituary written by the ordinary folks here.
Is it worth it, Yang Arif? I wish you can come back and tell your fellow judges especially those at the appellate courts.
I'll be making another exception when our 4th PM dies.
Update: Read this article just after I've posted. I think it's a fair one. The Relevance of Augustine Paul.