Saturday, January 24, 2009


I've not been updating this blog for a while. The last post which was written on the last day of last year was full of pessimism. Things have not changed much. Yes, Pakatan has won the KT bye-election with a convincing win despite all the goodies and threats thrown at the voters by BN. Although excuses have been made on behalf of the Chinese who have continued to vote for BN (e.g. by RPK), I couldn't help but feel ashamed of my race. In terms of selfishness, looking after our own interest, we are No.1. This has been validated through 5000 years of Chinese history. We will sell our mother, if we have to protect our own interest.

The events of the last few days have been quite distressing. Firstly the gruesome pictures that was first shown in Malaysiakini of the late Kugan, an Indian youth who died in police custody. Torture marks were all other his body. This came shortly after few police officers were arrested over pouring hot water on the body of another Indian youth in police custody. The many similar cases in the past just can lead to conclusions. Firstly, torture is part and parcel of police interrogation. Indians are particularly being targeted.

Due to the public outcry, the AG has classified the Kugan's case as murder. But none of the police officers have been arrested yet. From the photographs of the funeral procession the whole incident is turning into a racial issue. Kapar MP has threatened to repeat the Nov 2007 Hindraf rally. If there is going to be such a rally, I hope other races will join in to avoid it becoming another racial event. I believe now it's time to force the Government to set up the IPCMC (Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission)based on the Royal Commission's recommendation. Otherwise, the rakyat should take to the streets to protest against police brutality, corruption and incompetence.

Then, those who were arrested in the PJ candlelight vigil last Nov, were being charged in court yesterday. Why now?

So, things seem to be getting worse. Why then did I put the word "Hope" as the title of this post?

I must admit that I was the few who has not been really following the American presidential campaign last year. I haven't even listen to any Obama's speech though having read how good an orator he is. So I decided to stay up last Tuesday to watch the Inauguration of the 44th President of the USA and listen to his speech. I was not disappointed. In fact, for a while I wished I am an American. Americans should be proud of having such a leader who can inspired hope in the midst of depressing circumstances. I don't think it was empty rhetoric. We have someone who knows what lays before him. We see him making some fast decisions only 2 days after the inauguration from shutting down Gitmo to appointing experienced special envoy to the two most trouble areas in American foreign policy, the Middle East and Afghanistan and Pakistan. America is going to lead again because in Obama, they have a leader.

Well, many have asked whether Malaysia can have its own Obama? Well, before our Obama comes along, we need "choose hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord." (adapted from Obama's inauguration address). So "hope" is a choice. Hope does not depend on the circumstances. The situation in country may be bleak and may even get worse in the coming days, but it can't destroy hope. Because hope is a gift from God. As we other gifts, we can choose to accept or reject.