Few days ago I took my family to Penang for a holiday. On the way back we stopped at my hometown, Ipoh. We actually by-passed Ipoh town first and stopped at Gunung Rapat to buy the famous Heong Piang. We could have just turned into Simpang Pulai after that and head home to KL. But I decided to turn back into Ipoh town because I wanted to show my daughters my school, St. Michael's Institution.
I'm sure those of us who were from these mission schools were pissed off by the remarks made by 2 UMNO MPs recently i.e. calling for the removal of the crosses, and demolition of the Christian statues and an end to church influence in mission schools including alleged control by Vatican, questioning their contribution and loyalty to Malaysia.
Well, the good thing was it also made me recall fond memories I have of my alma mater. 14 years of my life (including one year kindergarten) was spent in St. Michael. It has been a big part of my life, my growing up years.
Though St. Michael as an institution is much more than the building, I think the building itself is an outward expression of the Michaelian Spirit. Majestic, hardy, strong, tough, a never say die attitude yet gentle and compassionate. Qualities best exemplified by some of the Lasallian brothers who have taught in St. Michael.

So to the 2 UMNO MPs, this is my message and I'm sure the message of all true Michaelians.
'Don't you ever touch our school!'
All through our College, a voice is resounding
Promptly respond to your duty's sweet call!
Harken you all for the trumpet is sounding
Your Mater's proclaiming her watchword to all
Forward my children dear!
Ever with heart sincere
Render with joy to your Mater her due
All that is vile, reject
Heaven will e'er protect
Sons of St. Michael
Valiant and true
Hi bro! ur a michaelian ka? Didnt know that haha... I was andersonian and just brought my wife to my alma mater last month, maybe next time la can bring my kids there too like u did :)
Now i can recognize you from the photo hehe... heard of colporteur book ministry? just spends a few hundred there, 50% discount...
Hi Dave,
Welcome. At least we are not rivals. Michaelians only have problems we those from ACS.
I thought I read about the colporteur book ministry somewhere in the Agora but can't seem to locate it now. Please let me have their address again. I think if I'm not mistaken they only open for a limited time per week. But I guess I won't be buying any more books soon as I've just spent over a thousand ringgit on books last week in anticipation of my bonus.
Michaelians may be noisy and rowdy,
But my friends we are sure we're not lousy,
We are next to nobody in our studies,
Neither are we second in activities,
Together we all stand for unity,
One for all, all for one,
Always be, ALWAYS BE!
Conquer here conquer there conquer everywhere,
And true Michaelian spirit always be,
Hi Vertigo_X!,
Thanks for the lyrics to Michaelian Spirit
Hey bro, u can check out this link and share the good news of P&R books at 50% disc to all the Augustinian, Calvinist, Lutherite fans out there :)
Colporteurs Ministries
84A, Jln SS24/2, Taman Megah, 47300 PJ
Opening Hour: Fri & Sat
10am - 5pm
Tel: 03-78032383
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