Please read Rocky Bru here and you''ll know why I'm so angry.
An ISA detainee who has been detained for 7 years failed make it on time to see his dying daughter. He was told that his daughter was dying after one day and it took 26 hours to release him from the time the daughter was admitted to the hospital. Another 4 hours and 45 minutes before he reached the hospital in Kajang from Kamunting. He was 3 hours 25 minutes too late. The authorities couldn't release him earlier because they need the f**king Home Minister's f**king signature.
As I mentioned before the ISA is an immoral law used by an immoral Government.
May the Lord forgive me for using the 'F' word. I'm only trying to follow the Micah Mandate.
"He has told you, O man what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)

pics (A father's heartbreak & Aina, right)
It's completely un-Christian to use the "F" word. No justification whatsoever. Yes, we are guilty of using that foul word, including me. But that's not the way to express anger. It's the way of the world, not of the Cross.
The Lord will forgive you, indeed as He has forgiven you on the Cross. It is precisely because of that, "Go and sin no more".
augustinian successor
Agree with you brother. Thank you for your admonishment. It was the first time and hopefully the last time I used it against someone so openly.
Anyway, what he did the last few days nearly shutting down the whole of KL, using the 'F' word to many may seem very mild especially for those who were affected.
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