I've just read the
blog of a local theologian whom I respect arguing that it's unethical for Pakatan Rakyat to try to get BN MPs to cross-overs. It is not difficult for me to rebut him point by point as there is nothing new that I've not read about the whole issue of cross-overs. But what's the point? I'm getting tired. I just need to accept that people even people whom I respect have different views. Anyway, whether Pakatan Rakyat succeeds in forming the Federal Government, there is no turning back. I
wrote about the new wine that cannot be kept anymore in old wineskin. This was confirmed on 916 as I stood with 20,000 other Malaysians of different races and religions in Kelana Jaya Stadium singing our national anthem 'Negaraku'. I've never felt so emotional singing our national anthem. The journey for me started with the Bersih rally in November last year. As I walked shoulder to shoulder with my Malay countrymen and women I was overcame with a great sense love and respect for them. Whatever former prejudices I had towards the Malays because of the injustice and unfairness I felt due to the NEP was immediately melted away. At that moment I felt one with them.
The days ahead may be chaotic and full of troubles, but then, who say giving birth is easy. OK, I should stop writing about politics for now. It's time for tea.
Recently I think I got some very good bargains. The Puer market has undergone a severe correction last year. The older and more vintage teas are still able to maintain their prices but the newer teas have taken a severe beating. I bought 2
tongs (7 pieces in one
tong) of
Menghai 7352 (2008) raw puer tea for RM140 or RM20 a piece. New Menghai raw tea were sellling for more than RM100 per piece last year

I've not actually tasted it. But I guess RM20 is not too much to pay for a good brand. The other 2 that I bought was even more value for money.
Xiaguan 100g raw
tuocha (2006) and a 250g ripe Puer brick (2008) for just RM8 each. I've tasted them and they are not bad especially the brick tea. According to the vendor though the tea was produced this year, the raw material (
mao cha) is much older

1 comment:
Dear SP,
Recently, i dropped by at a new tea-shop at Bandar Puteri, Puchong.
I bought 2 pieces of Pu Erh :-
ZhongCha Big Leaf Year 2001 at RM60/- and ZhongCha Green Mark Year 2000 at RM50/-.
The owner, Partrick insisted that i should taste first before any purchases, which gives me a good impression of him.
ZhongCha Big Leaf tastes bitter sweet & aromatic whereas ZhongCha Green Mark is less bitter but more aromatic.
The owner trades tea in a different manner than the usual i.e. we can buy & sell tea leaves / tea pots via his platform at www.skip4tea.com
Do check it out. Maybe you can get a good bargain there.
Lynn Leong
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