Friday, February 27, 2009
Unity Government?
It was reported by the Malaysian Insider that PAS' president Hadi Awang has called for a unity government in view of the economic crisis. He admitted that the idea was floated even last March when PAS tries to form the state government in Selangor with BN.
To me the idea is so repulsive and repugnant in light of what has happened in Perak where UMNO led BN brought down the PAS led state government in the most undemocratic way. Now to even suggest such an idea of unity government with BN is nothing short of suggesting to sleep with the devil.
Can't he (Hadi Awang) sees that the UMNO led government is turning into a Mafia government? We have the Mafia bosses at the top and their "ma cai"/samsengs in the form of UMNO Youth at the bottom. Didn't he see what happened in Parliament yesterday? A disabled person was mobbed by a bunch of samsengs. Doesn't he realize that efforts are being made to bring down the Selangor and Kedah government through ADUNs buying and/or criminal persecution of the state leaders, and even the gross invasion of a person's privacy. Does Islam condone all these, Hadi Awang? Or the prosperity of the nation comes first?
Hadi Awang should either resign as the PAS president together with all those who share the same idea with him and join UNMO or take the either PAS party out from Pakatan Rakyat if he is able to do so.
Unity Government? More like united for corruption. United to suck the country and rakyat dried. United to end democracy in this country.
Just when I was beginning to get comfortable with PAS .... Sigh.
To me the idea is so repulsive and repugnant in light of what has happened in Perak where UMNO led BN brought down the PAS led state government in the most undemocratic way. Now to even suggest such an idea of unity government with BN is nothing short of suggesting to sleep with the devil.
Can't he (Hadi Awang) sees that the UMNO led government is turning into a Mafia government? We have the Mafia bosses at the top and their "ma cai"/samsengs in the form of UMNO Youth at the bottom. Didn't he see what happened in Parliament yesterday? A disabled person was mobbed by a bunch of samsengs. Doesn't he realize that efforts are being made to bring down the Selangor and Kedah government through ADUNs buying and/or criminal persecution of the state leaders, and even the gross invasion of a person's privacy. Does Islam condone all these, Hadi Awang? Or the prosperity of the nation comes first?
Hadi Awang should either resign as the PAS president together with all those who share the same idea with him and join UNMO or take the either PAS party out from Pakatan Rakyat if he is able to do so.
Unity Government? More like united for corruption. United to suck the country and rakyat dried. United to end democracy in this country.
Just when I was beginning to get comfortable with PAS .... Sigh.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The same old script
Police acting on tip-ff, ambushed the criminals. Criminals fired at police. Police shot back. All criminals dead. Sometimes there were slight variations to the script. One or two of the criminals may escaped and usually are never heard of after that. No one is ever taken alive.
It was reported yesterday that 6 armed robbers were shot dead in Kulim after police returned fire. There was another variation to the above script though. 4 women who were alleged to be the robbers' girlfriends were also arrested.
According to the report only two weapons were recovered i.e. a semi automatic Smith & Wesson 9mm and a .38 Revolver. So can we conclude that not everyone of them (robbers) were armed with firearms. So how can they be all shot dead on the ground of self-defense?
Another disturbing fact of the above story is all the dead were Indians. Can we blame the Indians if they feel they were being targeted no matter how much the police deny? MPs of all races from Pakatan is demanding the police to explain the killings.
No doubt, the crime rate is on the rise and we would want to get rid of those who commit crimes. But it must be done in accordance with the law. We cannot allow the police to also be the judge and executioner.
As such, an enquiry ought to be carried out in this case until like what the Chinese says "water subsides, the rock emerges".
It was reported yesterday that 6 armed robbers were shot dead in Kulim after police returned fire. There was another variation to the above script though. 4 women who were alleged to be the robbers' girlfriends were also arrested.
According to the report only two weapons were recovered i.e. a semi automatic Smith & Wesson 9mm and a .38 Revolver. So can we conclude that not everyone of them (robbers) were armed with firearms. So how can they be all shot dead on the ground of self-defense?
Another disturbing fact of the above story is all the dead were Indians. Can we blame the Indians if they feel they were being targeted no matter how much the police deny? MPs of all races from Pakatan is demanding the police to explain the killings.
No doubt, the crime rate is on the rise and we would want to get rid of those who commit crimes. But it must be done in accordance with the law. We cannot allow the police to also be the judge and executioner.
As such, an enquiry ought to be carried out in this case until like what the Chinese says "water subsides, the rock emerges".
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The ANWAR prophecy

Most of us are acquainted with the so-called RAHMAN prophecy where the name of our 1st Prime Minister becomes the acronym for the subsequent PMs. So far it has proven correct though with some manipulations
R - Rahman (Tunku Abdul Rahman)
A - Abdul Razak
H - Hussien Onn
M - Mahatir
A - Abdullah Badawi
N - Najib (almost certain unless he drops dead tomorrow)
What happens after Najib? Well, I hope he'll be the last of the BN/UMNO PM. After that Pakatan Rakyat will take over the Federal Government with Anwar as the PM. So is there going to be a ANWAR prophecy? Well, I can't think beyond N. I only thought of N these few days watching the events unfolding in Perak.
A - Anwar
N - Nizar
W - ?
A - ?
R - ?
Crisis can bring out the best in a person. I believe that's what is happening to YAB Nizar. We are seeing a man who have just lost a state government through a coup d'etat but yet so composed, serene and even humorous at times. Yet beneath the composure and serenity lies a never say die and steely spirit in fighting the great injustice that has befallen the Perak people. "Patik menyembah mohon derhaka". These four Malay words uttered by him to the Sultan of Perak will forever be etched in the minds of the Malays when faced with an unjust decision by their monarchs whom they greatly respect. He disclaimed the comparison to Hang Jebat who rebelled against his sultan for unjustly sentencing his friend Hang Tuah to death. Rightly so. YAB Nizar 'derhaka' for the sake of democracy and to defend the rights of the people in Perak from being stripped and robbed by UMNO. It is not for an individual that he 'derhaka'.
I still remember that I shed a tear reading a newspaper report when he visited the family of victims of the flour mills explosion in Lumut. The sight of him hugging closely the ten year old daughter of one of the victims made me rejoice that Perak has been blessed with a great MB.* Alas, the UMNO/BN thieves have stolen from us this blessings. But soon we shall reclaim it and these thieves and robbers will be punished.
YAB Nizar, our Mentri Besar, we know that "you will come through and you shall return". (to quote Gen. MacArthur). You will return not only as the Mentri Besar of Perak but InsyaAllah one day as the PM of our country. May Allah bless you.
* I know politicians do these publicity exercise from time to time but strangely, I can sensed deep compassion coming from YAB Nizar and the sharing of grief was genuine. Reminds me of some the banners Shahrizat Jalil put up during the last GE showing her with some old folks and children, trying to portray her caring side. What a world of difference!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Total Depravity
No. This is not going to be an exposition of the first point of Calvinism. 3 days ago before the Sultan of Perak made the decision not to dissolve the State Assembly, I had a bet with someone. I bet that the Sultan will dissolve the State Assembly based on my high regards for him.
When I heard the news of the Sultan's decision I smsed my friend that I've lost. He smsed back, "Sad. My experience with human nature is consistent."
I've learned my lesson. Talk is cheap.
Ku Li. What an inspiring piece. But I will only respect you when you walk away from UMNO. Learned this from Sultan Azlan Shah and his son. All the talk about rule of law, justice, fairness, good governance etc. became BULLSHIT where the rubber meets the road.
When I heard the news of the Sultan's decision I smsed my friend that I've lost. He smsed back, "Sad. My experience with human nature is consistent."
I've learned my lesson. Talk is cheap.
Ku Li. What an inspiring piece. But I will only respect you when you walk away from UMNO. Learned this from Sultan Azlan Shah and his son. All the talk about rule of law, justice, fairness, good governance etc. became BULLSHIT where the rubber meets the road.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
This is how I feel and I know many Perakians share the same feelings. I grew up being told by my father how fearless and righteous Sultan Azlan Shah was during his time on the Bench. When he became the Sultan of Perak, I was so proud to have such a learned, just and wise person to be my Sultan, someone whom I can willingly pledge my allegiance and loyalty. This is especially so when you compared him with the other sultans from other states. I was damn proud to be a Perakian.
I was a bit disturbed and disappointed that in 1988 he didn't speak out during the judicial crisis especially when his successor was unjustly victimised by the Executive and the independence of the judiciary was threatened. Well, I gave him the benefit of doubt. He may have been working behind the scene and given his position it might not be convenient for him to do more in public.
But now, when it is within his powers to right a wrong and to listen to the cries of his subjects, he turned the other way. My heart bleeds. So do many hearts of Malaysians especially anak-anak Perak tonight.
Democracy has been dealt a great blow this day. But it's not a fatal blow. Nay, the rakyat will revive her. The rakyat will make her strong again.
I was a bit disturbed and disappointed that in 1988 he didn't speak out during the judicial crisis especially when his successor was unjustly victimised by the Executive and the independence of the judiciary was threatened. Well, I gave him the benefit of doubt. He may have been working behind the scene and given his position it might not be convenient for him to do more in public.
But now, when it is within his powers to right a wrong and to listen to the cries of his subjects, he turned the other way. My heart bleeds. So do many hearts of Malaysians especially anak-anak Perak tonight.
Democracy has been dealt a great blow this day. But it's not a fatal blow. Nay, the rakyat will revive her. The rakyat will make her strong again.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Rethinking Cross-overs
Prior to Sept 16 2008, I have no qualms about BN MPs wanting to switch sides and bring about the downfall of the Federal Govt. See my reasons here. As to the morality of the whole issue, I was persuaded by William Leong's well argued piece that in effect the ability of MPs to switch party is the essence of democracy given our electoral model as long it is not due to monetary and personal gain.
The events that have taken place in Perak within these few days has made me rethink my position. I still think William Leong is right. However, sadly the fact remains that in Malaysia, 99.9% of the time politicians who switched party or intend to do so will be due to monetary and personal gain. So far only Zaid Ibrahim has shown otherwise albeit in a different context.
As such, I'll support an anti-hopping law that will cause a MP or ADUN to automatically lose their seats once they switched party or even become an independent. However, they must be allowed to re-contest in a by-election. This is to take into account the 0.1% of the politicians who switched allegiance because of personal conviction.
Until such law is enacted, Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat especially PKR will do well to remember that enticing MPs/ADUNs to crossover is a double-edged sword. I need to remember that too.
I hope and pray that the Sultan of Perak will do the right thing.
The events that have taken place in Perak within these few days has made me rethink my position. I still think William Leong is right. However, sadly the fact remains that in Malaysia, 99.9% of the time politicians who switched party or intend to do so will be due to monetary and personal gain. So far only Zaid Ibrahim has shown otherwise albeit in a different context.
As such, I'll support an anti-hopping law that will cause a MP or ADUN to automatically lose their seats once they switched party or even become an independent. However, they must be allowed to re-contest in a by-election. This is to take into account the 0.1% of the politicians who switched allegiance because of personal conviction.
Until such law is enacted, Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat especially PKR will do well to remember that enticing MPs/ADUNs to crossover is a double-edged sword. I need to remember that too.
I hope and pray that the Sultan of Perak will do the right thing.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Yes, bring em' on. Perakians, stand up and be counted.
The Pakatan Govt of Perak is facing a crisis with 2 PKR ADUNs going missing for a week and now tendering their resignations. There are reports that the Deputy Speaker from DAP who is also missing may defect to MCA soon. BN is going all out in orchestrating the downfall of the Perak Govt.
One thing that the Perak MB can do is to seek consent from the Sultan to dissolve the State Assembly and call for a snap election for the whole state. I think that's the best option given the current instability. Let the people decide again.
Although I'm no longer registered as a voter in Perak, as someone born and bred in Ipoh, God willing, I will be back to campaign for Pakatan and will also dig deep into my pockets. I'm sure every Perakian who cherishes justice and thirsts for good governance where ever he/she may be, will also to do the same.
Pray that our wise Sultan will give consent to dissolve the State Assembly.
Let's send BN to its grave. First in Perak, then Malaysia.
One thing that the Perak MB can do is to seek consent from the Sultan to dissolve the State Assembly and call for a snap election for the whole state. I think that's the best option given the current instability. Let the people decide again.
Although I'm no longer registered as a voter in Perak, as someone born and bred in Ipoh, God willing, I will be back to campaign for Pakatan and will also dig deep into my pockets. I'm sure every Perakian who cherishes justice and thirsts for good governance where ever he/she may be, will also to do the same.
Pray that our wise Sultan will give consent to dissolve the State Assembly.
Let's send BN to its grave. First in Perak, then Malaysia.
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