Most of us are acquainted with the so-called RAHMAN prophecy where the name of our 1st Prime Minister becomes the acronym for the subsequent PMs. So far it has proven correct though with some manipulations
R - Rahman (Tunku Abdul Rahman)
A - Abdul Razak
H - Hussien Onn
M - Mahatir
A - Abdullah Badawi
N - Najib (almost certain unless he drops dead tomorrow)
What happens after Najib? Well, I hope he'll be the last of the BN/UMNO PM. After that Pakatan Rakyat will take over the Federal Government with Anwar as the PM. So is there going to be a ANWAR prophecy? Well, I can't think beyond N. I only thought of N these few days watching the events unfolding in Perak.
A - Anwar
N - Nizar
W - ?
A - ?
R - ?
Crisis can bring out the best in a person. I believe that's what is happening to YAB Nizar. We are seeing a man who have just lost a state government through a coup d'etat but yet so composed, serene and even humorous at times. Yet beneath the composure and serenity lies a never say die and steely spirit in fighting the great injustice that has befallen the Perak people. "Patik menyembah mohon derhaka". These four Malay words uttered by him to the Sultan of Perak will forever be etched in the minds of the Malays when faced with an unjust decision by their monarchs whom they greatly respect. He disclaimed the comparison to Hang Jebat who rebelled against his sultan for unjustly sentencing his friend Hang Tuah to death. Rightly so. YAB Nizar 'derhaka' for the sake of democracy and to defend the rights of the people in Perak from being stripped and robbed by UMNO. It is not for an individual that he 'derhaka'.
I still remember that I shed a tear reading a newspaper report when he visited the family of victims of the flour mills explosion in Lumut. The sight of him hugging closely the ten year old daughter of one of the victims made me rejoice that Perak has been blessed with a great MB.* Alas, the UMNO/BN thieves have stolen from us this blessings. But soon we shall reclaim it and these thieves and robbers will be punished.
YAB Nizar, our Mentri Besar, we know that "you will come through and you shall return". (to quote Gen. MacArthur). You will return not only as the Mentri Besar of Perak but InsyaAllah one day as the PM of our country. May Allah bless you.
* I know politicians do these publicity exercise from time to time but strangely, I can sensed deep compassion coming from YAB Nizar and the sharing of grief was genuine. Reminds me of some the banners Shahrizat Jalil put up during the last GE showing her with some old folks and children, trying to portray her caring side. What a world of difference!
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