Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Further thoughts on Bersih 3.0

This article (Rally never meant to be glamorous parade) has caused me reflect on my motives and think further about what happened on 428. One of the struggles I had when deciding whether to go or not was whether I was going just to feel good and be commended by friends (many thanked and commended me when I participated in Bersih 2.0) or I was going there for a cause. There was no such struggle when deciding whether to go for Bersih 2.0. I was clear why I had to go. To tell the govt that it has gone too far, to stand in solidarity with Dr. Jeyakumar who was detained under the EO and to stand up for my own rights.

This time around I was not so sure. Electoral reforms? It hasn’t happened since 2007 and in fact has gone from bad to worse. Sure, we need to protest against that. Although Bersih has not succeeded pushing for those reforms, it has raised the awareness among the people on how flawed our whole electoral process is. 

I was also sure this time there will to be many more participants due to the absence of crackdown and also the regret that some people had for not going for Bersih 2.0. So well, does it matter if one individual didn’t turn up?

However, as I sat home watching the event unfolds, I was beginning to regret. Hey, it’s not fair! I didn’t have such fun during Bersih 2.0. I was fearful almost all the time except when on the march. We didn’t know how many were going to turn up due to the massive crackdown and stern warnings from the authorities. Didn’t have much time to take photos. But now, a carnival like atmosphere. Even posing for photos with the cops.

The writer of the article reminded us that we need to ask ourselves why we are there for in the first place. However, we can’t really stop people from having fun and I think it’s not wrong as long as we are clear what our cause is. Perhaps those who  went merely for having fun, will no longer be seen in Bersih 4.0 (if there is going to be one) after being tear gassed or being chased by the police down the alleyways.  Oon Yeoh is right. Every gas cloud has a silver lining.

Rallies in Malaysia without the approval of those in power is never a walk in the park. Anything can happen. Please stay at home if you just want to go for the fun of it. There are safer things to do to have fun. Some kind of fear is needed to keep us out of trouble although for some because of their conviction there is a total absence of fear like my friend and OT lecturer. I think no one else except the media has got that close to the FRUs as he did. 

I felt a bit rebuked by the writer for I almost went down for the wrong reason. Glad now I didn't.

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