Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Failing Nation or A Failed Nation?

I was talking to a old friend who is now residing in Singapore yesterday. He called me last week and asked excitedly about what is now known as the '1st SD' by Balasubramaniam, the PI. As I was attending a seminar, I didn't know what has happened and referred him to Malaysiakini or Malaysia Today. I called him yesterday and he asked me what is happening in Malaysia. From the way things seem to be heading, he was thinking of giving up his citizenship. I told him, go ahead. It was said out of utter frustration of what is happening to our beloved country after the euphoria of 08/03/08.

We are facing a crisis of confidence and credibility on a tsunamistic proportion. Very few have confidence in our leaders and institutions anymore. For the simple reason, they ain't credible. The PM has the cheek to warn bloggers about spreading lies in cyberspace. If we, bloggers are liars, then he must be the primus inter pares. There is not even a single iota of credibility left in him after Parliament was dissolved less than 24 hours after he said there will be no dissolution. And whatever happened to the IPCMC and the formation of a Commission for Judicial Appointments? So, Mr. PM, please do not preach to us about truth.

In the very first Leaders from the latest issue (July 5th -11th) of the Economist on how outdated are some global institutions, I read the following:

Supporters of Mr. McCain's League of Democracies suggest it could be like NATO - a useful democratic subcommittee in the global club. But Mr. McCain needs to define his democracies. (Will Malaysia count? How about Russia or Iran?) ....

Well, talk about perception.

I guess our journey to make this nation a great nation which was started on 10/11/07 will have to go on until we reach our destination. Along the way, we will enjoy the peaks of 08/03/08 and endure the valleys of gutter politics, racism & religious extremism.

Haris Ibrahim is spot on. We cannot afford to look away.

May God have mercy on 'tanah tumpahnya darahku.' God forbid that it should become a failed nation.

Though God may be sovereign, each of us, Anak Bangsa Malaysia has the responsibility to make Malaysia a great nation.

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