This was second candlelight vigil I attended. The first one was after Teresa Kok was arrested under the ISA. The crowd was over 200. I went with 2 other church members, John Chung and Han Meng. When we arrived slightly before 8pm there was already a crowd about 100 and many candles were already lighted. But there was quite a number of people crowding round on the pavement. Free RPK T-shirts were snapped up like hot cakes. After about 15 minutes Marina Lee gave a short speech. Couldn't hear what she said as I was too far away. This was followed by one of RPK's counsels, Gobind Singh, the Panther of Puchong. Next were Bernard a.ka. Zorro and Haris Ibrahim. Upon someone's suggestion, Haris asked us to be there every Sunday until ISA is abolished and all detainees are freed. He encouraged us to bring a friend the next time and to bring another, another time until one day the whole field will be filled.
Kit Siang also made a brief appearance and gave a short speech. Again I couldn't hear what was said but it's about bringing something up in Parliament next week. I forgot whether it was Haris or Bernard that said he was encouraged to see so many new faces. Yes, those were the faces of middle class Chinese who before 8/03 don't give a damn about politics much less the ISA. All we care for is to make money. How things have changed. What about the middle class church, I wonder? Tonight, there were only 3 of us from the same church. I hope by next month there would be at least 30. Is it asking too much to light a candle?
Make a stand against evil.
Hi Lim, i was there also, definitely a great night, hope we can meet next sunday.
Hi kkitsam
Next Sunday happen to be my wife's birthday. Had actually planned a romantic dinner. Looks like I need to change my plan. Instead of candlelight dinner, it will be dinner and candlelight. Ha ha ha ...
my galfren and I have the black "I am with RPK" tshirt as well...hehehehe...
But i never wear it..too tight.
Anyway, i notice the crowd is getting smaller.. :(
it's the same here in BM last week when i organized one. a handful, probably 10 plus ppl. But still, our spirit was high and we even sang songs, Malay and Mandarin. PAS Bkt. Mertajam was there with us too!
Tonite is the final night of anti ISA gathering organized by SUARAM in penang....hope things will be fine.
Steven Sim
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