Sunday, May 17, 2009

How much is our Federal and State Constitutions worth?

Not much going by what is happening lately. They are probably worth less than the paper that they are printed on. I'm not sure how much you can sell them to the guy who shouts "Old newspaper"?

Provisions in the State Constitution can be ignored to appoint an illegal MB. Clear provision in the same Constitution can also be ignored by our highest court resulting in the mockery of the concept of separation of powers. This fiction of separation of powers has now become a fact. The fact that there is no separation of powers.

Now provisions in the Federal Constitution which seek to protect civil liberties were blatantly violated by the police and tacitly approved and condoned by the Government. The latest response from Minister in the PM's Dept, Nazri is to put the blame on the victims. If lawyers can be arrested for trying to act for their clients, what other fundamental liberties still remain sacred in the eyes of the police and Government?

Mr. IGP, you want to maintain public security? Can I tell you public security is as much as a fiction as the concept of separation of powers? We are afraid for our family members and ourselves falling victims to snatch thieves who often not only snatched away our possessions but our lives as well. We are afraid of Mat Rempits. We are afraid of break-ins by armed robbers. We are afraid of serial rapists. So don't give me this crap about maintaining public security as a pretext for violating our rights.

I wonder why I'm still paying income tax? I guess rendering to Caesar what belongs to Caesar still stands. But we will need to change Caesar.

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