Monday, February 8, 2010

Tunku Zain Al-Abidin Muhriz & the NS Royal Family

Tunku Zain the founder of Institute for Democracy and Economic Affaris (Ideas) sounds like Raja Nazrin before the Perak debacle. Someone from the royalty speaking out on matters which is close to the heart of the common people. Read what Tunku Zain has written as he honours the legacy of our first PM Tunku Abdul Rahman.

But alas, one year ago the Perak royalty has forfeited whatever goodwill, respect and dignity they have built up all these years. Will the NS royalty ends up the same way? I hope not. And I'm hopeful they will not. Why am I so optimistic? Well, look at the photo below. It was taken shortly after Tunku Zain's father was installed as the Yang DiPertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan. It was a lovely family photo. What was so special about the photo was in the midst of the family members in their best and finest regalia, there was this boy, their son and brother who was strapped to a wheel chair. It's not difficult to see that he is suffering from quite severe celebral palsy.

Many of those suffering from cerebral palsy are kept locked up in their homes and seldom do we meet them in public because some parents or family members feel ashamed of them. I couldn't help but feel the love that this royal family has for this particular member of their family. They inderstand what it is to be broken and they know how to love the broken. That is why I have the confidence that they will be different from the other royalty. Of course, I may be disappointed. But for now I would be proud if I were from NS.

Tunku Zain (top right in the picture) - All the best. You and your family are indeed a gush of refreshing air in the putrid socio-political environment we found ourselves in. Indeed may the legacy of Tunku, our father of Independence guides this nation back to sanity.

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