Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Tony Pua for Parliament! (2)
Just came back from Tony's ceramah at SS2. Thoroughly soaked by the downpour but thoroughly satisfied as well. A foreigner who happens to be in Malaysia and doesn't know about the coming election can be forgiven if he/she thinks that a rock concert was about to take place in SS2. I arrived slightly before 8.30pm and already I have to stand so far behind that I could hardly see the speaker. Not too sure who he was. If I'm not mistaken he looked like Cheras MP, Tan Kok Wai.
Lau Weng San, the candidate for DUN Kpg Tunku was the next speaker. Crowd continue to swell. By the time he finished and it was announced that RPK was the next speaker, a big round of applause went up, very much like welcoming a celebrity. Of course in a sense RPK is a celebrity.
That was when the sky began to open up. Up went dozens, then hundreds of umbrellas. Most of the crowd stood their ground. RPK said that we are already used to acid rain, so what can this rain do to us? He asked whether he should continue as by now the heavy rain has turned into a downpour. Even with umbrellas, most of us were soaked. The crowd replied with a resounding 'Yes'.
Next came Tony. Even before he went on stage, chants of Tony! Tony! Tony! resounded through the crowd. By now it was past 10.30pm. The rain has stopped. The crowd was even bigger than when I first arrived. Half way through his speech, Tony announced the arrival of Fong Po Kuan. Now the crowd started to chant Po Kuan! Po Kuan! Po Kuan!. When she went on stage cameras started flashing away. Tony and her posed for the press. It was a bit like some well known HK actor and actress went on stage. First time I heard her speak. Well, she was not called 'cili padi' for nothing. By 11.30pm she told the crowd she is sorry as she has to leave to rush to Bukit Bintang for another speaking engagement. I also took my leave.
I'm not going to relate what each speaker has spoken but my purpose is to convey a bit of the atmosphere of the ceramah. One word. Electrifying!
Below is a comment left on Tony's blog by one Anon
S'pore is nothing without Malaysians' (Lim Kit Siang)
I hope Tony will make a great example and inspiration to those Malaysians in S'pore to come back and fight to reclaim our beloved country from people who are raping and plundering it.
So PJU voters, can you see how important your vote for Tony is? It goes beyond just putting him into Parliament. After all he is only one person. But by voting him into Parliament, you may be able to bring back 10 or even 100 'Tony Puas' from across the globe.
We have a choice not to be branded as racist Malaysia.
Therefore I appeal to you PJU voters, vote for Tony Pua so that many more 'Tony Puas' will be encouraged to return to help rebuild our beloved nation. Let Tony know that he has not wasted his talent by returning to Malaysia.
Arise Anak-anak Bangsa Malaysia of PJU and vote one of your own into Parliament! He will not only serve your community but most important of all he will not remain silent when your rights and the rights of all Malaysian irrespective of race and religion are being trampled upon.
Lau Weng San, the candidate for DUN Kpg Tunku was the next speaker. Crowd continue to swell. By the time he finished and it was announced that RPK was the next speaker, a big round of applause went up, very much like welcoming a celebrity. Of course in a sense RPK is a celebrity.
That was when the sky began to open up. Up went dozens, then hundreds of umbrellas. Most of the crowd stood their ground. RPK said that we are already used to acid rain, so what can this rain do to us? He asked whether he should continue as by now the heavy rain has turned into a downpour. Even with umbrellas, most of us were soaked. The crowd replied with a resounding 'Yes'.
Next came Tony. Even before he went on stage, chants of Tony! Tony! Tony! resounded through the crowd. By now it was past 10.30pm. The rain has stopped. The crowd was even bigger than when I first arrived. Half way through his speech, Tony announced the arrival of Fong Po Kuan. Now the crowd started to chant Po Kuan! Po Kuan! Po Kuan!. When she went on stage cameras started flashing away. Tony and her posed for the press. It was a bit like some well known HK actor and actress went on stage. First time I heard her speak. Well, she was not called 'cili padi' for nothing. By 11.30pm she told the crowd she is sorry as she has to leave to rush to Bukit Bintang for another speaking engagement. I also took my leave.
I'm not going to relate what each speaker has spoken but my purpose is to convey a bit of the atmosphere of the ceramah. One word. Electrifying!
Below is a comment left on Tony's blog by one Anon
S'pore is nothing without Malaysians' (Lim Kit Siang)
I hope Tony will make a great example and inspiration to those Malaysians in S'pore to come back and fight to reclaim our beloved country from people who are raping and plundering it.
So PJU voters, can you see how important your vote for Tony is? It goes beyond just putting him into Parliament. After all he is only one person. But by voting him into Parliament, you may be able to bring back 10 or even 100 'Tony Puas' from across the globe.
We have a choice not to be branded as racist Malaysia.
Therefore I appeal to you PJU voters, vote for Tony Pua so that many more 'Tony Puas' will be encouraged to return to help rebuild our beloved nation. Let Tony know that he has not wasted his talent by returning to Malaysia.
Arise Anak-anak Bangsa Malaysia of PJU and vote one of your own into Parliament! He will not only serve your community but most important of all he will not remain silent when your rights and the rights of all Malaysian irrespective of race and religion are being trampled upon.
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
I can now say to my friend in overseas / who going to overseas..."If you can, come back to malaysia. Malaysia is starting for a change, & there're hopes here"...live here, breath here, they need our support! :-D
March 11, 2008 at 1:48 AM
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Hi Tony,
I'm a Rafflesian and I have been following your election campaign.
Sorry to be blunt, but I feel you have wasted your talent by choosing to return to Malaysia. What can you achieve even if you manage to get into Parliament ?
Had you stayed in Singapore, your prospects are much better. There are many Malaysians in Singapore's Parliament now like our Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan was previously from Penang.
It's a real pity. Stop wasting your time and energy on racist Malaysia!