A new dawn has descended upon this country. A dawn where the 3 major races are united in their fight against corruption, mismanagement, injustice & sheer arrogance. It is going to be a beginning where we don't have to identify ourselves as Malay, Indian, Chinese or other races. But only as anak bangsa Malaysia. Where everyone irrespective of race or religion will have a place under the Malaysian sun.
The above was only a dream on nomination day 2 weeks ago. I was at the nomination centre in PJ to lend my support. We had more flags than supporters. I knew it was going to be an uphill battle then. We had our first ceramah that night itself. The numbers that turned out was quite respectable compared to that of our opponent. Tony shared about his background. The next night the crowd was much bigger. Maybe because people knew Kit Siang was coming.
At the end of the week, when someone asked me what are our chances, I said 50-50. But after the 2nd MJ Cafe ceramah where the people stood their ground in spite of the heavy downpour, I knew we had the edge and especially our opponent made a fool of herself in the Malaysiakini interview. As the 2nd week of campaigning was coming to the close and seeing the mood of the people all round the country especially in Penang, I thought there should be no reason why Tony can't win. But the margin of victory left me completely astounded.
My only disappointment was not being able to be the polling and counting agent despite attending the training class very early on. Somehow my name has gone missing.
YB Tony - I have full confidence in you and all your other elected colleagues in Parliament & various State Assemblies.
Thank you Malaysians. Malaysians Boleh!

1 comment:
A good and resounding victory. And hopefully the ghosts of May 13th has been banished.The people should not be crippled by it anymore.
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