Saturday, January 9, 2010

The King has spoken

It is reported in the Star that

“To ensure peace and harmony among the followers of different religions, the meaning and reference to “Allah” in the general context should conform to the description fixed by Islam because this practice has all this while been accepted by Malaysians of other faiths,” said Tuanku Mizan. (emphasis mine)

The judges in the Court of Appeal must be in a quandary now. Dare the judges go against the King? Wait a minute. Don't we have a constitutional monarchy? Well, yes we do but our constitutional rights seem to exist only at the pleasure of those in power or those who can intimidate the most as shown by the events of the past few days. Anyway, is it wrong for the judges in the Court of Appeal to respect the advice from the King?

They may have no choice but to decide in favour of the Herald. After all, "Allah" is always used there in the context of Christianity and never in the general context. So are all the Alkitabs that are being confiscated by the Home Ministry. So are all the Christians publications that use the word "Allah". Clearly the Christian "Allah" is different from the Islam "Allah" or the "Allah" in the general context.

Of course, to some who lack understanding and are easily confused it's not so clear. But the King has spoken and as good citizens we should respect what he say even though he is just a constitutional monarch. For those who lack understanding and are easily confused, the NECF recommends His Majesty Government to educate them "to be mature minded in a progressive democratic society."

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