Sunday, January 10, 2010

Thank you to my Muslim fellow citizens

I would like to thank all the Muslims fellow country men and women who stood by us and condemned in the strongest term the dastardly acts of arson of church buildings. ( But not those who fanned the hatred and now condemned those acts. Only one word for them. Hypocrites)

Anyway, on one of the darkest day in our nation, some Muslims have shown us why we still need to believe there is hope for us all in this nation. Some like Dr. Rafick has make efforts to raise fund for the church which was the hardest hit. Some like Marina Mahathir tried to canvass for Muslims to come out to strongly condemn the attacks.

I must also congratulate PAS for making a reasoned stand on the whole issue knowing full well it will cost them many votes among the Malay. That't what I call principle. That's the difference between PAS and UMNO despite the claims by both to champion Islam.

Despite my earlier laments, I now rejoice with all the voices of reason within the Muslim community. Your voices and acts have repaired the image of Islam sullied by those whom RPK calls "munafiks".

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